Privacy statement


REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (hereinafter “the Regulation”) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46 that the Data Controller takes appropriate measures to provide the data subject with all information concerning the processing of personal data in a concise, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible form, in a clear and comprehensible manner, and that the Data Controller facilitates the exercise of his or her rights.

Lenart Consulting Ltd pays special attention to the proper handling of personal data provided by its customers and partners. We hold the privacy of your personal information in the highest regard in accordance with the law. Our data management activities are based on voluntary contributions. In some cases, some of the information provided will be handled or stored in accordance with legal restrictions. By complying with the information below, we comply with this legal obligation.


Lenart Consulting Ltd

Headquarter: H-8229 Csopak, Bencze László utca 5.

Telephone: +36 20 9494024



Hungarian Commercial Register No.: 19-09-521056

EU-VAT-No.:   HU27347715

Representative: Erik Lenart




 Data controller: any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller; (Article 4 (8) of the Regulation) The use of a data processor does not require the prior consent of the data subject, but requires his or her information. Accordingly, we provide the following information:


Our company’s IT service provider:

Our company uses a data processor to maintain and manage its website and to operate its e-mail system. personal information, the operation it performs to store personal information on the server.


Company name: Websupport Magyarország Kft.

Headquarter: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo utca 18-22.

VAT: 25138205-2-41

Hungarian Commercial Register No: 01-09-381419



(Individual data processing) The legal basis for data management is the express, voluntary and unambiguous consent of the users of the Website who fill in the Contact Form (hereinafter referred to as the User or Users) and the applicants for job vacancies of the Data Controller. The Data Controller shall ensure that the User consents to the various personal data processing operations separately, depending on the purpose of the data processing (GDPR Preamble, paragraph 43).


Users filling out a contact form

The purpose of data management: We provide a special opportunity to request a quote or inquire on the contact page of our website. The purpose of data management is to keep in touch with the requester and to answer and resolve the question / request.
